Taco FAQ

Questions about Feed NS

Q: Why doesn’t every participating restaurant donate to Feed Nova Scotia?

A: We love that so many of our participating restaurants fundraise for Feed Nova Scotia during Halifax Taco Week but we also recognize that many restaurants do a lot of their community by donating to Feed Nova Scotia and to other causes throughout the year as well. We leave it up to the restaurant.

Q: Why $5 tacos? How come they don’t donate on top of that?

A: We want to make participation in Halifax Taco Week accessible for everyone!

Q: Why doesn’t The Coast donate to Feed Nova Scotia?

A: We get asked this question a lot—our contribution is a little harder to realize. The fees collected from the restaurants pay for The Coast to put on the promotion. We use these fees to pay for event staffing and management, advertising, marketing collateral and street teams. We could use the fees to donate to Feed Nova Scotia but then the participation fees would have to go up.

Taco Week is postponed for 2020. Keep in touch with The Coast for further updates. In the meantime remember if you can, to support your favourite local restaurant!